
New EXCO Bonaire Expects ‘Energetic Approach’

The new Executive Council, posing here together with Minister Ollongren, State Secretary Knops and the directors of the Public Entity, expects and ‘energetic’ approach from their Dutch Counterparts when it comes to tackling the many issues. Photo: Government of Bonaire.

Kralendijk- The Executive Council which was installed this week, hopes that State Secretary Knops of Kingdom Relations, will be just as energetic as one of his predecessors, Ank Bijleveld.

This was expressed by newly appointed commissioner Elvis Tjin Asjoe (MPB) who is responsible for the Operations and Support Directorate in Bonaire’s executive Council.

On Tuesday Commissioners Tjin Asjoe, Nina den Heyer (MPB) and James Kroon (UPB) met with Minister Kajsa Ollongren of the Interior Affairs and Kingdom Relations (BZK) and state secretary Raymond Knops of the same ministry. The directors of the government organization were also able to speak with the minister and State Secretary.

Tjin Asjoe was Minister of Economic Affairs and Labor before 10-10-10 and experienced how State Secretary Bijleveld (currently Minister of Defence -editor) at the time had acted decisively in the dismantling of the Netherlands Antilles.

Commisioner den Heyer stated that she was looking forward to a pleasant cooperation with the Rutte cabinet.

Commissioner Kroon, responsible for Infrastruture said he hoped improvements to the roads on Bonaire could be realize as quickly as possible.

In a short speech, Lieutenant Governor Edison Rijna said he had high hopes for the new Council. Rijna expressed the hope that the general interest of Bonaire was put first.

Better service

Island Secretary Nerry Gonzalez said she was proud of the Administrative Agreement (Bestuursakkoord). According to Gonzales, Bonaire is on schedule with the agreement.

One of the milestones of the Agreement is the procedure introduced since March 1, 2019 whereby letters or requests from citizens to the government are dealt with within a maximum time frame of six weeks. “This will help to improve the level of service provided by Governments”, said Gonzalez.

Minister Ollongren expressed the hope that with the new Executive Council ‘better times’ will come for Bonaire. She emphasized the importance of working together and achieving joint goals.

Governor Rijna made use of the meeting to hand Minister Ollongren a gift which she ‘would be able to to use in the Netherlands’.

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