New Government with 1 Commissioner for each party

The three partners in the new coalition will each have 1 commissioner in the new Executive Council, not directly reflecting the amount of seats in the Island Parliament. On the picture, from left to right, Jeanoushka (Nunu) Raphaela, Clark Abraham, MPB-leader Elvis Tjin-Asjoe and MPB Island Council woman Desiree Coffie, during a press conference at Hill Side Appartment this morning.
Kralendijk- The new coalition in Bonaire formed by MPB (3 seats), Fraction Raphaela (1 seat) and the Social-Liberal Fraction of Clark Abraham (1 seat) will each have 1 commissioner in the new Executive Council. This can be seen as a departure from more traditional politics, where the biggest party would get more commissioners. However, with 3 partners forming the coalition, any other solution was hardly possible, for each of the partners to have representation in the newly formed Executive Council.
In practice this approach will mean that the MPB is sacrificing one of its commissioners, most probably Joselito Statia. Clark Abraham will be the new commissioner for his fraction, while MPB will hold on to the commissioner for Social Affairs and Healthcare (most probably in the person of Nina Den Heyer), and the fraction Raphaela will hold on to the portfolio of Infrastructure and Sport.
Remarkable is that Clark Abraham will hold the portfolio which is generally seen as the heaviest one, namely of Finance, General Management and Personnel Affairs. On the other hand, it should also be mentioned that Abraham already has experience with this portfolio, when the government was formed by the Union Patriotico Boneriano (UPB) and the Democratic Party.
Interestingly enough, although Abraham has declared himself independent, the new agreement and the new coalition seems to have the support of various prominent members of the Democratic Party, such as Benito Dirksz and Michael Pieters.
The BES-Reporter understands that in a few days the Board of the Democratic Party will meet to discuss the situation which has arisen with the cessation of Clark Abraham from the rest of the fraction. Although Robby Beukenboom is the fraction leader, Abraham -by far- was the biggest vote-getter on the list of the red party.