
New proposed mooring policy 

KRALENDIJK – On Thursday 16th of December the Water Circles team hosted an online information session with the Yachting community of Bonaire. During the session STINAPA presented proposed changes to the overnight- mooring policy and prices for overnight stay on a mooring by visiting yachts.

An open invitation to this session was shared in advance by the Water Circles team through the Bonaire Cruisers Facebook page. Approximately 20 persons participated in the session. 

In September 2021 A study produced by Bonaire Boating Company on behalf of Water Circles team was publicly released. The results and recommendations of this study that can be found on  have led to STINAPA rethinking its management of the overnight moorings and development of a proposal for a new policy. 

The proposed mooring policy states that as of March 31st 2022 boats without holding tanks cannot make use of overnight moorings any longer. Boats with holding tanks are no longer allowed to empty their tanks within 12 miles from the shore (which is legally banned since 2010). Another proposed rule is that residents (sedula holders) can no longer use the overnight mooring field. STINAPA would also like to implement an online mooring reservation system. 

Implementation of these changes obviously comes at a cost

STINAPA and Harbour Village Marina who co-manage the overnight-moorings requested the Bonaire government by letter of September 2021 to endorse a fee increase from $10,00 to $45,00 to enable implementing a series of additional services matching a low volume, high margin principle and enabling sewage collection and pump out service to all yachts that use the overnight moorings. The current mooring fee of $10 per night (which doesn’t cover the current costs of operating the moorings according to STINAPA) has not changed for a period of 16 years since April 2005, when it increased from NAFL 10,00 to USD $10,00. Average cost of a mooring in the Caribbean according to  is USD $35,00 per night, with cost varying greatly and sometimes up to $60,00 a night.

There was much debate during the session about potential negative impacts on Bonaire’s economy if the fee increase would lead to a reduced occupation of the moorings and thereby less spending by visiting yachties in local businesses. STINAPA is well aware of the impact the increase might have and has taken all the different possibilities into consideration. 

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