Official installation Key Club Kibrahacha Liseo Boneriano

KRALENDIJK – Saturday February 19th, 2022, Key Club Kibrahacha Liseo Boneriano was officially installed at Eddy’s Restaurant.
Key Club Kibrahacha Liseo Boneriano was organized on November 18th, 2021 and consists of 21 charter members between the ages of 12 and 19 who go to Liseo Boneriano. Bonaire’s first Key Club is an initiative of Kiwanis Club of Kralendijk, Bonaire. Kiwanis Kralendijk wants to contribute to the development of young people in high school.
The first Key Club formed in 1925 in California, with 11 charter members. Key Club was the idea of two Kiwanis Club members, who also were high school administrators. They approached their Kiwanis club with the idea of starting a junior service club in the high school. It would resemble Kiwanis. Today, Key Club is the oldest and largest service program for high school students in the world.
The board consisting of President Jeada Kocks, Vice President Corbin Pourier, Secretary Aryse Nicholson, Treasurer Christefer Marsera, PR Director Chazz Lourens, Director of Community Service Guillaume Martiszoon, Fundraising Director Jaynah Francees, Membership Director Ibrahim Valentijn, and members Angenie Nicolaas, D’Shantee Soliana, Fayah Silvano, Faliyah Sambo, Joshua Marsera, Jurgen van der Hoek, Maya Winklaar, Maynard Antoin, Kadianna Baptiste, Sharelty Rasiman, Tyzick Pourier and Viviana de Wind were installed during the special ceremony.
The club advisors who are members of Kiwanis Kralendijk Emily Kocks, Alicia Xuan-Krijgsman, Marco van Zuilichem, Michealine Cathlin, Natalie Leito and Marisol Vrolijk were also acknowledged for their hard work.
Special guests
Special guests who assisted the installation either in-person or online were Lieutenant Governor of Division 26 Natalie Daal, Kiwanis Kralendijk, Bonaire President Derchlien Vrolijk-Dijkhoff, Key Club District Luitenant Governor Dana Forte, Division Lieutenant Governor Shomaika Jackson, Vice President Santiago Celispaloschi of Key Club Colegio Arubano, Advisor Ebby Schwengle of Kiwanis Aruba, Commissioner Nina den Heyer and Principal of Liseo Boneriano Barbara Sol.
Kiwanis Kralendijk, Bonaire President Derchlien Vrolijk-Dijkhoff congratulated the newly installed Key Club members and presented Key Club President Jeada Kocks with a commemorative plaque.
The evening ended with a festive dinner.