
PCN board members follow Pension Governance Education Program

Bergsma en Linkels (far left and left) formed part of a group of in total 25 participants to the course. Photo: University of Toronto.

TORONTO/KRALENDIJK- Two board members of the Pensioenfonds Caribbean Netherlands (PCN) followed a specialized course on Pension Fund Governance last week.

The course was taught by the Rotman School of Management, part of the University of Toronto. Chairman of PCN Harald Linkels and vice-chairman Gerard Bergsma were very satisfied with the course of the course, in which, in addition to PCN, pension fund directors from, among others, Canada, the United States and the Netherlands took part. “Very worthwhile”, says Bergsma.

The agenda included challenges for pension funds in the future, governance within pension funds, sustainable investment and considerations that are made when compiling the investment portfolio.


The course, which took a total of four days and was conducted in collaboration with the International Center for Pension Management (ICPM), concluded with a presentation on assignments performed in four different groups.

The course was led by professors Rob Hauer and Keith Ambachtsheer. Ambachtsheer recently wrote the book ‘The future of Pension Management’, in which he discusses developments and challenges within the pension sector.

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