
Possibility of extra supplement receivers AOV-pension

Kralendijk – From the RCN Unit Social Affairs and Employment (SZW) various measures have been introduced to increase the benefits. For example, as of 1 January 2019, the benefits AOV, AWW and assistance have gone up by 5 percent, in addition to inflation.

Since 1 January 2019 there is also the possibility to receive an additional supplement as a single older person if you have little or no income besides your AOV pension. This extra supplement is also available for married elderly people, when they have been cut in their AOV pension, for example because they have lived part of their working life outside the Caribbean Netherlands. The AOV recipients who, according to the SZW data, are eligible for the extra supplement, have been approached by post. Persons who suspect that they are entitled to this supplement, but who have not received a letter with an application form, can contact the RCN unit SZW. In order to receive the supplement with retroactive effect from 1 January 2019, the signed forms must be received by SZW before 1 March 2019.

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