
Press release on new Brion Square in Kralendijk sparks critical reactions

KRALENDIJK – A seemingly premature press release regarding the newly planned Brion Square on the vacant lot of the former prison has generated a lot of comments both online and among the island’s residents over the past two days. 

Many residents reacted with surprise and often indignation to the news of the square’s construction with necessary green spaces. Up until now, the executive council had consistently stated that a large parking lot would be built next to the post office to somewhat alleviate the acute shortage of parking spaces in the city centre.

Therefore, on Friday, new versions of the news emerged, indicating that only a part of the area would be used as a square with green spaces, but 96 parking spaces would still be constructed. While a few responded positively to the news of more green and recreational areas, many citizens pointed out the blatant lack of parking space in the city centre, which is troublesome for many. ‘I would like to visit the city centre more often and do some shopping, but it’s impossible to find a parking spot,’ a female reader commented on the announcement sent on behalf of the Public Entity. She received significant support from others.

No Coincidence

It seems that the timing of the press release was not coincidental, as it came one day after the current executive council was sent home with a vote of no confidence. The MPB and UPB have placed strong emphasis on creating new facilities and improving the infrastructure. 

The executive council appears to have wanted to put forward the plans for the park, along with the parking area, before the new executive council takes office. Unfortunately, this has also resulted in incomplete or unclear communication regarding the exact intentions for the area.

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