Quality Research Report by Inspectorate of Education: “No shortcomings at New Challenge Foundation”
Oranjestad, St. Eustatius – The Inspectorate of Education conducted a study at the New Challenge Foundation (NCF) in November last year and did not identify any shortcomings to motivate follow-up monitoring. The Inspectorate of Education plans to visit the school again later this year for an update on the progress and to conduct class visits. Latter will determine to what extent the board has succeeded in getting its teachers to improve the effectiveness of their lessons.
On 23 November 2021, the Inspectorate of Education conducted a study at the NCF, an institution for social opportunity pathways on St. Eustatius. On the one hand, this research aims to verify whether the school’s quality assurance system is working properly and whether the basic quality that was achieved is still in force. On the other hand, through supervision, the Inspectorate of Education wants to encourage the school and the board to work together on further quality improvement.
What’s going well
According to the Inspectorate of Education, many things are going well. “NCF guides more and more students to paid work, a GED diploma, an MBO-education or a protected workplace. This is successful because a trajectory is mapped out for each student that fits his or her possibilities and interests and that offers a real perspective”, mentions the Inspectorate of Education in their study report. It further indicates that NCF has a good department for care and guidance and the pedagogical actions of the teachers are effective. The team of teachers and supervisors is also well managed, and the quality of the education is systematically checked, according to the quality research report.
Monumental changes
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the past year reflected monumental changes for Second Chance Education, in the organizational structure and in the role that the school plays in educating. “Transitioning from normal teaching to remote learning was and still is a challenge for NCF staff, our teachers and students,” says Francine Foe, Director of NCF. “Because of this, Management of NCF has determined that the students could learn more, in some classes. Part of the teachers provide the right methods so that students learn on their own personal level and taking their capabilities into account.” Francine Foe mentions that the Management of NCF will see to it that the teachers get the opportunity to participate in trainings. “This is to ensure that the material and the teaching method will be provided in such a way that the students learn more during each lesson.” Francine Foe concludes that NCF Management and the Supervisory Board is thankful for the hard work of staff and teachers. “We will continue to develop professionally to enhance our ability to provide quality education,” the director says.
Deputy Government Commissioner Claudia Toet is proud of NCF. “The Public Entity appreciates the effort that NCF and her stakeholders puts into the students during the dynamic period of the pandemic. To stayed aligned with all the rules of quality is a great achievement. The Public Entity empowers the NCF to continue the good work.”, says Toet.