
Report and recommendations next step in Mediation Process St. Eustatius

Government Commissioners, members of the island Council and the mediation team on the stairs at STUCO. Photo: Government of St. Eustatius.

ORANJESTAD- The first days of the mediation between the Statia Island Council and the Government Commissioners on St. Eusatius have been wrapped up with various meetings and various exercises which have taken place between March 8th and March 11th.

Mediators Maria Liberia-Peters, Suzy Camelia-Römer and advisor Alba Martijn drew up a plan how to go about the mediation and started with their work.

As part of their mediation effort, the mediators formulated a number of questions with the request to answer in writing prior to the conversation. The parties involved were requested to indicate where they believe the problems lie, why this is of importance to the person concerned and what the person expects from the mediation and the mediator.

In addition, it was requested to assess how the other party views the problem and what, according to the person concerned, could be important for the other party. The parties were also requested to reflect on possible solutions to the challenges in the current situation.


While those close to the meetings say there is a feeling of commitment on all sides to work on the issues, a lot is still unclear. An important issue which was discussed, is the passing of quite some ordinances, which need the agreement and support of the island council. Some attempts were made to discuss how parties could find one another on these ordinances.

Another hot issue, which is still very much on the table is the continuing question mark about the time frame for the full restauration of Democracy. The parties, certainly, still do not see eye to eye as of yet as to the time table and the issues which have to be dealt with, to move the process ahead.

The next step is a report to be drawn up by the mediation team, with findings in the process and recommendations. The BES-Reporter understand that this report is to be presented to the parties in about 2 – 3 weeks from now.


Based on the report, parties will be meeting again, to see how common ground can be found on some of the important issues and to evaluate how to move forward.

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