
Report on ’roundabout gate’ may not be presented until January

Report on 'roundabout gate' may not be presented until January
A view of the failed roundabout, which has in the meantime already been removed. Photo: ABC Online media

KRALENDIJK- While many citizens eagerly await the results of the so-called ‘administrative investigation’ into the mistakes made in the construction of the failed roundabout on the Kaya Amsterdam, it seems that the results of this will only will be presented in January 2022.

Initially, it was promised that the results of the investigation could be expected in the first week of December, 2021. The investigation was announced because those directly involved miraculously seemed to have ‘forgotten’ all the details of the circumstances surrounding the design of the roundabout which was heavily modified. 

Commissioner James Kroon, as the deputy for infrastructure responsible for the project, also washed his hands in innocence. An objective fact-finding was supposed to shed more light on the matter.


Council lady Daisy Coffie of the one-man faction Coffie has regularly showed her annoyance about the state of affairs around the roundabout. In addition to Kroon, she also sees responsibility with  Governor Edison Rijna. After all, the Governor is responsible for safeguarding the integrity within the Public Entity.

When asked about the exact date on which the results of the fact-finding investigation can be expected, ABC Online Media has not yet been provided with a concrete date. However, it is informally suggested, including within Government circles, that the presentation of the conclusions is not expected before January 2022.

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