
Return of Cruise ships leads to return of empty supermarket shelves on Bonaire

Return of Cruise ships leads to return of empty supermarket shelves on Bonaire
A view of of empty shelves in the margarine and butter section at Van Den Tweel on Tuesday. Photo: ABC Online Media

KRALENDIJK- After an initially somewhat hesitant start, the cruise ships on Bonaire seem to have made a full comeback. However, this also means several negative side effects of cruise tourism are back in full force.

This does not only concern an enormous increase in traffic, but also the empty shelves in the supermarkets.

It is now increasingly common that supermarkets no longer have certain products in stock at all. According to at least one supermarket on the island, a complex global shipping situation is made -once again- more difficult with the return of cruise ships. A container ship could not be unloaded this week, because the cruise ships got preference from the Harbour Master.

More expensive

Even more serious is that, according to the supermarket involved, the shipowner now threatens to stop direct calls to Bonaire. If that happens, the costs for transport to Bonaire will increase even further than is already the case.

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