
Road work started around Marina Trouble Spot

A view of the work carried out. Photos: ABC Online Media

KRALENDIJK- On Saturday work has started on the Kaya Gobernador Debrot in front along the Harbor Village Marina to remediate, the flooding of the road with seawater.

The issue of the flooding is a long time annoyance of motorists of the island as they are forced, during certain periods of the year, to drive through the seawater. This is of course not beneficial to the vehicles, which normally already stuffers from the salty atmosphere on the island.


Government expects the road work to last about 2 weeks. Traffic is being diverted onto a dirt road constructed to the side of the Saliña di Vlijt.


Various studies have been executed into the infrastructure and works needed to address the issue in a structural and sustainable manner. It remains to be seen if the current project will be sufficient to solve the issue completely, or if it is more of a ‘quick fix’ to alleviate the current situation which, apart from damaging to cars, is also potentially quite dangerous.

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