
Saba plagued by lots of Sahara Dust these days

A view of the mountain, which in general is crystal clear, but these days looks hazy at best. Photo: Government of Saba.

THE BOTTOM- The island of Saba these days is plagued by lots of Sahara dust, which is cleary visible on the island.

The Government of Saba warns that high levels of Saharan dust may exacerbate illness in persons with asthma and other chronic lung conditions. “While persons may experience symptoms during the days of a dust event, these symptoms should disappear as the dust levels reduce”, according to a statement from Government.

Government therefor advises people with lung conditions to not play sports or do strenuous activities outdoors as long as present conditions persist. “We also advise those concerned to have their rescue inhaler with them at all times”, according to Government’s Facebook Page.

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