Saba wraps up week of Earth Day activities
THE BOTTOM- Saturday, April 22nd was a day of action and celebration on Saba as the community came together to celebrate Earth Day. The day concluded a series of week-long events and activities aimed at promoting sustainability and conservation.
Earth Day celebrations began on Wednesday, April 19th with a tree planting event, which took place at the Sacred Heart School and at the Harry L. Johnson Museum, where kids from each school planted a variety of trees. Students and teachers with the help of Public Entity Saba took part to dig the holes for the trees, carefully placing them in the ground ensuring that the trees are planted at the correct depth. The location and the trees planted were selected to aid in the natural habitat and to further enable a livable environment for local wildlife.
Island clean-up
The Earth Day festivities continued on Thursday, April 20th and Friday, April 21st with the annual island clean-up event, organized by the Public Entity Saba. Over 100 volunteers from local organizations, schools, businesses, and government departments came together to clean up around the villages on the island.
Sustainable Fair
The week of Earth Day events concluded on Saturday, April 22nd with the Sustainable Fair at the Juliana’s Sports Field. The fair featured a range of local artists and vendors along with activities, all aimed at promoting sustainable living and conservation on the island.