
“Samenwerkende Fondsen Cariben” donates to two foundations on Bonaire

KRALENDIJK – In August, Samenwerkende Fondsen (Cooperating Funds Caribbean) made donations to two foundations on Bonaire.

Three years in a row Stichting Jongeren en Toekomst (Foundation Youth and Future) received $22,500 from SFC last week for the “Talentenschool” project. Talentenschool is a project for primary school children in group 7, 8 and SGB youth in year 1. The aim of the project is to enable young people to recognize their competences and skills. They benefit from this for the rest of their lives, for example in their choice of study and career.

The Bonaire Connect Foundation received an amount of $18,000 from SFC for their 2nd year of “Taalmaatjes”. The aim of the project is to create a stronger sense of community and equality among the inhabitants of Bonaire. Within this project native speakers of Spanish and Dutch as their mother tongue living on Bonaire are matched by the NGO. Buddy teams meet once a week for an activity and will practice both languages ​​to improve and master their speaking skills.

Every year, the Samenwerkende Fondsen Cariben support more than 50 projects in the Caribbean part of the Kingdom. It invests more than €1.6 million in local societies on the various islands. Stichting Kinderpostzegels Nederland, Oranje Fonds, Kansfonds and the Sluyterman van Loo Fund together form the Samenwerkende Fondsen Cariben.

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