‘SanD’s Guaranteed Fund’ Wants to Boost Commercial Development on St. Eustatius

SanD’s Vastgoed & Beheermaatschappij N.V. has big plans for a commercial complex next to FDR Airport.
Oranjestad, St. Eustatius- Local entrepreneur Antoinette Schmidt hopes to realize a considerable commercial project near the FDR Airport.
Schmidt hopes to generate the necessary funding for the realization of the project through a so-called ‘Guaranteed Fund’. “In order to forge a breakthrough in the impasse (vicious cycle), I contended to establish “SanD’s Guaranteed Fund” to finance the completion of the Commercial Complex adjacent to the ‘FDR Airport’ on Saint Eustatius. Through broad-based participation and Group profit sharing, Investors would be sought to finance collective interests on the Island’, according to a press release sent out by Schmidt.
The idea of the Fund came to Schmidt while completing her Thesis for her graduation at The Hague University of Applied Sciences under the faculty of International Business & Management.
The Prospectus of the Company outlines the establishment of a Retail (Supermarket) Outlet accompanied by 4 compatible commercial entities for individual entrepreneurs, including, a ‘Wellness Centre’.
Supermarket and wellness center
According to the plans, atop the Ground Floor 8 residential units will be built for lease, also utilizing the roof of the complex to source solar energy. The “SanD’s Guaranteed Fund” gives the investor the possibility to directly influence the usage of funds. The investor is guaranteed herein, an 8% annual dividend on all invested capital into the project.
While the setup and especially the way of financing of the project can certainly be called ‘creative’, it remains to be seen if (sufficient) inverstors can be found to buy into the project.
Although there is certainly no lack of plans and also promises as to the potential returns on investments, little is said as to guarantees for those who decide to invest in the plans of SanD’s.