
Selibon expands waste separation station in Hato 

KRALENDIJK – Selibon has noticed that the capacity of the waste separation station in Hato has decreased. For this reason it was decided to expand the current station where a 20-foot container was used for waste separation with a 40-foot container.

The 20-foot container that was there before quickly became full and therefore it was decided to replace it with a larger container. The way in which residents and tourists use this facility is a motivation for Selibon to continue its work on waste separation.

Selibon is very pleased with the commitment that the residents of Bonaire are showing towards waste separation and will continue to make efforts to place more waste separation containers in more neighborhoods, in order to continue to stimulate residents and make it easier for them to separate their waste in the immediate vicinity of their home.

The moment more waste is separated for recycling, the waste stream that enters our landfill for burial decreases. By separating your waste you contribute to a healthier environment and a clean and beautiful Bonaire.

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