
Sentro Akseso also Commemorates International Nurses’ Day

KRALENDIJK – Last week, Sentro Akseso Bonaire and Public Health (PG) jointly celebrated International Nurses’ Day.

Among those present at Sentro Akseso were employees of Sentro Akseso,  Sentro Akseso director Henry Breeveld, the director of the Social Affairs & Care Department Silvana Serfilia, Michael Mercuur and Joey van Slobbe from the Public Health department, and Deputy James Kroon.

During a brief ceremony, in which the flag was jointly raised and the national anthem was sung, Silvana called on all those present to appreciate the work of our nurses. Commissioner Kroon said to feel proud about the work done by nurses and expressed the hope that there would be an even larger and broader celebration in the coming years, together with other organizations.

Breakfast and Lunch

Following various speeches, a joint breakfast and later a joint lunch were enjoyed at the Plaza Resort.

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