St. Eustatius

Statia is ‘Greenest’ Energy Producer

St. Eustatius is the island where most of the generated power comes from renewable sources.

Oranjestad, St. Eustatius- Of all three BES-islands, Statia is the island which generated the most energy from renewable sources. This can be deducted from figures released by the Central Bureau of Statistics.

In 2018, total electricity production on St Eustatius stood at 14.3 million kWh, of which 6.5 million kWh (45.5 percent, or nearly 50%)) was renewable and produced by solar panels. The generation of solar power started in 2016 with the installation of a solar park, which was expanded significantly in 2017.

In the daytime, the solar park meets the full electricity demand, while in the evening and at night diesel generators take care of electricity production. In case of unfavourable weather conditions during the day, e.g. overcast weather, the system automatically switches to the diesel generators which take over the production.

In Saba solar power amount to about 17% of total energy production. CBS notes that due to the recent expansion, the percentage of power generate by solar panes can be increased considerably.

In Bonaire the contribution of solar in energy production is only about 1%. On the other hand, a considerable portion of energy is generated by wind turbines. The to about 29% of all energy generated.

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