
Statia’s First Job Fair Attracts about 100 Persons

The fair was held at the Ocean View Terrace. Photo: Government of Statia.

Oranjestad, St. Eustatius- The first-ever Job Fair hosted by the team of Personnel & Organization of the Public Entity of St. Eustatius attracted approximately 100 persons.

The event was held held at the Ocean View Terrace on October 22nd with the goal to draw attention to the current vacancies within the Statia Government. A total of 24 Vacancies were advertised externally following a lengthy internal process.

Representatives of the different units and departments presented their vacancies. They explained the job content, the skills and expertise needed for the function and answered all questions. There were ‘speed date’ sessions with interested attendees and lively discussions about work and careers at each table. 

The fair was very well attended; the two hours were lively, with Ocean View providing the concentrated audience with a snack and drink. 

The team of Personnel & Organization department is busy assessing the many CV’s of interested candidates.  During the last week of November, 20 candidates from the job fair, 20 candidates will be interviewed.

“The Job Fair was an overwhelming success “, says Francisca Gibbs, Unit Manager Internal Services of the local Government.

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