
STINAPA statement concerning Karel’s Pier

KRALENDIJK – In the coming weeks, STINAPA will strictly monitor that the enlargement of Karel’s pier is carried out according the regulations in force on Bonaire for the protection of the underwater park. The Karel’s pier enlargement has been modified over the past 13 years. 

By now the project complies with the legal framework in force for the protection of the underwater park. All permits required for the project have been granted by OLB and Rijkswaterstaat (Dutch Department of Public Works). 

According to STINAPA, the permit package for the pier enlargement is complete and complies with the legal framework in force. In the coming weeks, STINAPA will actively see to that the construction of the pier indeed is being performed in accordance with the rules and permits in force and with the work plan.

STINAPA Bonaire National Marine Park manager Judith Raming is satisfied with the constructive cooperation by Karel Visser and contractors Richard Duyn and Richard Burger, and expresses her confidence that the instructions given by STINAPA will be strictly followed and observed during the construction.

Recently STINAPA rangers under supervision and guidance of the Marine biologists removed corals from the construction area, to prevent any damage to these brain corals. There are still some corals left at the site including a decent sized staghorn coral, however the chance of survival of these corals by removal are very slim, therefore it has been decided to leave it there. The developers have designed a possible design that will display this coral and give it the necessary sunlight without much harm. 

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