
STINAPA worried about damage caused by irresponsible Driving Behaviour

Traffic accidents involving the coast or the sea not only damage the vehicle, but also the delicate coast line or even the reef. Photo: STINAPA

KRALENDIJK – Over the weekend, Police on Bonaire discovered a stranded Ford Raptor 200 meters north of the Hato stone wall at the water’s edge, causing material damage and a minor diesel leak into the sea. 

The STINAPA team, including Chief Ranger Din, Senior Ranger Edgar, and Ranger Arthur, were on-site to monitor the situation. The car was safely removed by a crane from the coast, and monitored the area to ensure minimal environmental impact. 

More accidents

STINAPA also notes that there has been an increase in accidents on the island, where the sea is involved in some way or the other. “This is harmful to not only individuals, but also pose a threat to our reefs. Let this be a reminder for us to be more aware and cautious of our environment”, according to the Nature Organisation. 

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