
Successful first edition of ‘Moving Together with INDEBON’

Many participants arrived tired, but satisfied. Photo: ABC Online Media

KRALENDIJK – The first event Ban Move Huntu ku INDEBON (moving together with INDEBON), organized for the sports foundation of the Public Entity Bonaire, INDEBON, has been successful.

In total, more than 300 people had registered for the event, but partly due to the dark weather and the rain, fewer people came to dedicate than expected. Participants could sign up for walking, running or cycling.

The cycling route was 28 kilometers, but the runners and runners had a route of 15 kilometers. In all cases, it started at Jossy Ball park and ended at Ocean Oasis. The cyclists were allowed to start first, with the group of runners second and the group of runners third.

INDEBON received help from other organizations for the event, such as Pia Pia Kunuku Bieu and COMCABON. The participants were very enthusiastic about the trip and the overall experience.

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