
Team of visual artists give Tourism Corporation Bonaire building with a totally new look

The Tourism Office is going from a dull building to display of wonderful colours. Photo: Monalisa Domacassé

KRALENDIJK- The Tourism Corporation Bonaire (TCB) has been working on a new look for some time, under the leadership of interim director Miles Mercera. The fresh look is reflected in, among other things, a fresher-looking logo and new advertising campaigns.

Mercera’s newest focal point is now the TCB building itself. A building that hitherto stood out because of its dullness and lack of appearance. Although the building has already changed colour in recent years, it did not make it much more attractive.

The TCB has now decided to give its own location a radically different look, which fits much better with the modern and fresh image of the organization. A mixed group of 12 artists, led by local artist Ghislaine Monte, is taking care of the new exterior.

Over the weekend, some on social media were quick to claim that the new look was being created by foreigners and not local artists. 

Photo: Monalisa Domacassé

Art sees no race

Project leader Monte laughs when confronted with the criticism. Several artists participate in the project, including various local and young talents. “Art doesn’t see race; only people who want to work together towards a common goal,” says Monte with a wink.

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