
Tender with pre-selection Public Entity Sint Eustatius | Advertisement

The Public Entity of Sint Eustatius intends to extend the current roads from the Road to Lynch at the solar park and the Gouverneur de Graaf school via the intersection with the Road behind the Mountain, the Road to English Quarter and the Road behind the Mountain to and with the entrance to the Knippenga Resort to revitalize.

This will be done in 3 phases with lengths of 1300, 1200 and 1200 meters respectively.

Underground routes for utilities, lampposts, emergency and passing lanes, preparation for footpaths, construction of temporary facilities and improving road safety on the routes are part of this work.

The quotations and the implementation contracts will be realized per phase, in order to ensure the accessibility of the resorts.

The start of implementation is planned for the second quarter of 2023.

What is OLE looking for?

To select a contractor for this project, the Public Entity of Sint Eustatius is organizing a public tender with pre-selection.

Contractors interested in participating in the pre-selection are invited to express their interest and submit the following information:

  1. Chamber of Commerce extract, not older than 3 months;
  2. Organization chart of the company and indication of the composition of the management and personnel;
  3. Financial reports of the company for the past 3 years, signed by an accountant;
  4. Letter from the tax authorities stating that the contractor has no outstanding receivables or payment arrears;
  5. Reference list of with CV. that the intended contractor has successfully completed similar projects;
  6. CV of the personnel responsible for the realization, planning and quality of this project;

The companies that, based on an assessment of the submitted information, are deemed to be able to successfully complete the project will be invited to participate in this tender and submit a financial proposal.

Are you interested?

The requested information should be sent to [email protected] before 4:00 PM (local time) on December 1, 2022. More information can be obtained via email: [email protected] .

The St. Eustatius Tender Regulations 2020 apply to this tender.

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