
Townhall meeting Saba on prescriptive rights

SABA–The general public on Saba is invited to a town hall meeting this Friday, October 11, regarding prescriptive rights. The town hall will be held at the Eugenius Johnson Center in Windwardside on Saba and will start at 6 pm.

The most common real property issues that persons on Saba are faced with relating to property claimed by family, where proper ownership papers and legal titles are not in place, due to varying circumstances. The Saba government is well aware of this problem and has been working on a procedure to resolve this.

Because the information regarding land ownership is quite complex, the procedure regarding prescriptive rights claims and how they work will be presented to the public. The procedure is the result of a collaboration between the Executive Council, Mingo Notary Offices and the Legal Desk Saba.

During this evening, the legal advisor of the Public Entity will give a presentation, together with the notary and the legal desk. We hope to welcome you to the Eugenius Johnson Center on October 11, 2019, at 6 pm. There will be snacks and drinks. 

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