Training of nurses at WGK Academy

Willemstad – On 29 January 2019, Stichting Wit Gele Kruis voor Thuiszorg “Prinses Margriet” (Stichting WGK) signed a letter of intent with St. Eustatius Health Care Foundation. The letter of intent states that they will work together in the field of training, quality and exchange of personnel. An agreement has also been signed with WGK Academy for the training of 25 health care providers of St. Eustatius Health Care Foundation.
Stichting WGK is the largest foundation that provides home care in Curaçao. WGK Academy was established in March 2018 by Stichting WGK in collaboration with Breederode Hogeschool. Breederode Hogeschool certifies the courses that are provided by WGK Academy. WGK Academy started with training of the foundation’s nurses, but these courses are now also provided to other medical institutions in Curaçao and other islands. In February 2019, WGK Academy will start with the two first modules in wound care, decubitus prevention and treatment for the nurses of St. Eustatius Health Care Foundation. This educational institution offers theory lessons, e-learning courses and practical training. The ultimate goal of the training at WGK Academy is to keep various nursing abilities and skills up to par.
Stichting WGK is the only ISO-certified home care organization on Curaçao and the organization considers it an important task to guarantee quality of care. In 2008, the foundation achieved the first ISO certification and in April 2018 Stichting WGK met the new ISO 2015 standard again. Furthermore, audits are conducted twice a year to check whether the quality system of the organization is functioning properly.