
Truck Inspections on Bonaire Result in Multiple Fines

KRALENDIJK – On Saturday, April 22, officers from the Dutch Caribbean Police Force (KPCN) conducted routine traffic checks at various locations on Bonaire. During the controls, several trucks and other vehicles were pulled over and inspected.

In total, four fines were issued to truck drivers for endangering other road users while transporting cargo and driving without a license plate. In addition, the functioning of turn signals and brake lights was checked.

Besides trucks, other vehicles were also stopped and checked. Seven fines were handed out for driving without a license plate on the front bumper, and one for using a mobile phone while driving.

Between noon and early evening hours, another fourteen fines were issued for various violations, including:

  • 3x for driving without valid insurance
  • 3x for driving without a valid driver’s license
  • 4x for driving with defective lighting
  • 1x for using a mobile phone while driving
  • 2x for driving without a license plate on the front bumper
  • 1x for driving in a prohibited direction

The KPCN urges all road users to adhere to traffic regulations and emphasizes that the police will strictly enforce compliance with laws for everyone’s safety during inspections. In the coming period, controls will take place more frequently, and violations will carry more severe consequences.

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