
UNICEF: Spending time together, a key element of a child’s development

KRALENDIJK – UNICEF the Netherlands is launching mini documentaries portraying four families of Bonaire sharing their favorite ways of spending time together.

The mini documentaries are released in the upcoming weeks highlighting the importance for parents, caretakers and family members to play with the children. By showcasing this, the child rights organization is addressing that playing is a key element of a child’s development. Small moments of quality time, will lead to more self confidence in children’s futures and will encourage children to develop their own unique talents.

The UNICEF Netherlands campaign is actively shared and supported by the Public Entity Bonaire and Rijksdienst Caribisch Nederland from the cooperating aid organizations ’tei p’abo.’

For the mini documentaries Archell Thompson, professional storyteller and theater maker from Curaçao, is joining nine families on Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba during their favorite activity. The families show Archell that the most beautiful moments can be enjoyed in their own home, backyard or in the neighborhood. ‘Keep it simple, don’t overthink it’ is stated by a parent. One of the children mentioned ‘it is my favorite thing to do’ while giving a big hug to his father. Passing on family traditions during those moments was also frequently talked about ‘When they grow up, they will always remember those memories and create new ones with their families’.

The importance of spending time together is highlighted by UNICEF the Netherlands throughout this year. The mini documentaries are part of a campaign which started on May 28th, the World Day of Play. A day on which parents, schools, clubs and church communities were encouraged to organize fun activities for children. In February the campaign will be closed off with an interactive theater show, giving parents and caretakers the opportunity to be part of a show together with their children, under the supervision of Archell Thompson. 


The mini documentaries are shared via different media, on the UNICEF Dutch Caribbean Facebook page, YouTube as well as the website of UNICEF the Netherlands. The campaign is a collaboration between UNICEF the Netherlands, Rijksdienst Caribisch Nederland and the Public Entities of Bonaire, Saba and Sint Eustatius and is part of UNICEF’s BES program which is made possible by the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations.

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