
Unkobon calls for joint action to prevent price increases

KRALENDIJK – Consumer organization Unkobon advocates, in a message issued on Sunday, for a collaborative effort involving the local government, the Chamber of Commerce, and the business sector to mitigate potential price hikes resulting from the implementation of a significantly higher minimum wage.

The organization urges the provision of timely and comprehensive information to employers to help them comprehend the implications of the minimum wage increase, thereby promoting informed decision-making. Unkobon particularly emphasizes the need for the government to clarify the reduction of employers’ burdens.

Additionally, Unkobon encourages the local government to establish programs fostering financial literacy and providing individual guidance to citizens.

Lastly, Unkobon recommends the creation of a central reporting center where consumers can express concerns about alleged unfair price increases. In the event of unjustified price hikes, Unkobon expects corrective measures from the government, although specifics regarding these measures are not provided.

Concrete Action

While Bonaire’s executive council has expressed a desire for action and concerns about a potential wage-price spiral on the island, tangible steps are yet to be taken. Unkobon appears to be urging the government to initiate such actions promptly.

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