
UPB candidate Willem Cicilia is concerned about illegal dumping in nature Bonaire

KRALENDIJK- Former registrar of the island council, Willem (Wimpy) Cicilia, currently a candidate on the list of the Union Patriótiko Boneiru (UPB) is concerned about the amount of garbage that is illegally dumped in nature.

Cicilia wrote a letter to Selibon N.V. about this. In Cicilia’s opinion, the waste processor should do more to remove this dumping in nature areas. “It’s not a sight. Not for us, but also not for, for example, the tourists who visit our island,” says Cicilia.

Cicilia also calls on Selibon to do more investigation into the origin of the items thrown away in nature, as he believes happened in the past.

Active role

Cicilia admits that the island’s government will also have to play a more active role in reducing the problem. “I intend to ensure that this issue is put on the agenda of a new Executive Council,” says Cicilia.

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