
Warehouse Bonaire Consistently Lowest in Price

Warehouse Bonaire consistently scores (far) below the price level of other supermarkets on the island. Discounter Bondigro, also popular with many shoppers on the island, however does not participate in the survey. Photo: Unkobon

Kralendijk- Warehouse Bonaire continues to score as the supermarket with the lowest prices on the island, with a score of 77% compared to an index norm of 100.

The price comparison is executed by the Consumer Foundation Unkobon and gives insight in the price levels at the various supermarkets. The graph clearly illustrates how supermarkets compare to one another, when it comes to their price levels.

Over past months, the ranking has been relatively stable with popular supermarkets Warehouse consistently scoring as the supermarket with the lowest price and Van den Tweel Supermarket, perceived by many as more expensive, actually scoring reasonably well in the ranking.

The price index seems to have a favorable impact on the general price level, as some supermarkets which previously scored unfavorably undertake efforts to score better, for instance by introducing more favorably priced products. This month for instance, Dragon City Supermarket scored considerably better compared to previous price comparisons.

Unkobon also notes that the price gap between the most expensive and the last expensive supermarket shows is growing smaller.


Discounter Bondigro, perceived by many as an economical option does not participate in the study. The supermarket finds the setup of the study flawed as it does not focus on a comparison based on quality or brand, but rather on the lowest price for a particular product in certain categories, regardless of brand or quality. According to Bondigro, a study like this should compare say a box of Kellog’s Cornflakes at Bondigro, to the same box at competitors.

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