
Weero Koster New Director at Bonaire Chamber

Kralendijk- The Chamber of Commerce in Bonaire has a new director in the person of Weero Koster. Koster started his new job yesterday, July 1, 2019.

Koster was a partner at BakerMcKenzie, NortonRose and is also very involved in various projects that promote and promote sustainable energy.

The Board of the Bonaire Chamber is happy with the choice of Koster. Chairman of the Board, Huub Groot says that he has great confidence in the new director. “We are convinced that Weero will strengthen the team and together give direction to the future of the Chamber of Commerce.”

Koster himself is also enthusiastic about the new challenge. “I am happy that I can use my legal knowledge, my passion for the island and knowledge about sustainability to help entrepreneurial Bonaire”, said the new director.

Koster in the coming period will spend time in getting to know the organization and the various stakeholders of the Chamber. The Chamber needed to recruit a new director after former director, Dick Ter Burg, took up a new challenge on the island.

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