Well-known radio-host is Bonaire’s latest Covid-19 victim

Kralendijk- Well-known radio-host Zamir Ayubi, running his own online radio station Chill FM is Bonaire’s latest Covid-19 victim.
The news of Zamir Ayubi’s passing was made known by his brother Aimed Ayubi, owner of Live99 radio station. “I could never have imagined to loose my younger brother in this manner”, said Ayubi on his personal Facebook Page.
Aimed Ayubi a few months back also contracted the virus and had to be treated in the hopsital. This made such an impression on him that he started to actively campaign, together with the Government’s communication department, for vaccination.
Zamir Ayubi often showed himself quite critical of measures taken by local Government in the Covid-crises. While his way of questioning was nog always appreaciated, he was in general seen as an outspoken but also good-natured and friendly person. Ayubi was also a very proud father of his kids, for whom he always showed support and encouragement.
Ayubi is Bonaire’s 19th Covid-19 related fatal victim.