
Work on various roads in Bonaire completed

Especially for the residents of the Belnem neighborhood, the situation has significantly improved. Photo: OLB

KRALENDIJK- The Public Entity Bonaire (OLB) indicates that urgent improvements have been made to various roads on the island. In recent weeks, efforts were focused on two main roads, namely Kaya International and the EEG Boulevard at the intersection with Kaya Pos Watapana.

At Kaya International, the top layer of asphalt was replaced over a period of two weeks, and markings were applied. For safety reasons and efficiency, the work was carried out in the evening and at night, and it was completed according to schedule. According to the OLB, this ensured that the inconvenience was minimized.


The intersection of the EEG Boulevard and Kaya Pos Watapana was in poor condition and caused particular inconvenience during rainfall. Therefore, the asphalt top layer was replaced with pavers, and drainage work was also undertaken.


According to the OLB, the roads on the island are now a bit safer due to the maintenance carried out. “With the successful completion of these maintenance works, the roads are now safer and more accessible for all road users,” said the OLB in a press release on Friday afternoon.

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