Workshops on BES Protection Code and Neglect for SGB Employees
KRALENDIJK – Employees of SGB have participated in workshops on identifying child neglect and the mandatory Protection Code (Kodigo di Protekshon). The workshops took place during Dia di SGB on May 19, 2023, and were conducted by trainers specializing in domestic violence and child abuse from the public entity of Bonaire and the Ministry of Health, Welfare, and Sport.
Neglect is the most common form of child abuse with significant consequences for a child’s development. Recognizing neglect signals is about willingness, courage, and the ability to identify and discuss signs of neglect. In an interactive workshop facilitated by storyteller Archell Thompson, the participants engaged in discussions on this topic.
The Protection Code will come into effect on January 1, 2024. Stakeholders are legally obligated to adhere to it, including schools. Therefore, all organizations must create an implementation plan for the execution of this Protection Code. They can seek assistance from experts and training programs are available. During the workshop, participants were guided through the necessary steps and discussed the requirements for implementing this code in schools. For more information on domestic violence and child abuse, visit under the “Tei P’abo” campaigns section.”