
Director General Arne van Hout Visits Saba

Van Hout and his advisors during a meeting with the Saba Island Council. Photo: OLS

THE BOTTOM-In a move towards political reform and digital transformation, the Public Entity Saba hosted a delegation on Tuesday, October 31st led by Director General Arne van Hout. 

The delegation, including policy advisor Erlène Knoopers, policy coordinator Arne Bartelsman, and legal advisor Barbera Veltkamp, initiated in constructive dialogue with the Island Council, Executive Council, Census, and Legal. 

Central to the agenda were proposed amendments to the political landscape of Saba, including an increase in the number of island council members, enhanced transparency regarding political party financing, voting, and subsidies. These changes come in tandem with the digitalization initiatives propelled by State Secretary Alexandra van Huffelen earlier in the year.

Information Gap

During talk with the delegation, the Island Council highlighted a pressing issue – the need to bridge the information gap between The Hague and Public Entities here in the Caribbean. The conversation underscored the essential need for a communication framework that ensures that Sabans are well-informed and integral to the decision-making processes affecting their future.

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