
Second batch of Bonaire students HR-Werkt! Bonaire left for Work-Study program in The Netherlands

The first batch to leave is already half-way through the program. Photo: Team Bonaire

KRALENDIJK – On Monday, September 2, Koeyman Bautista and Milton Gordillo Lizcano will leave for the Netherlands to participate in an 18-month paid work-study program in maritime technology. This adventure, offered to them through the ‘Perspectiva Boneiru’ project, marks the second batch of BBL students who are given this opportunity from Bonaire. Sjoukje van der Es, work-study supervisor at HR-Werkt! Bonaire, will guide them during the first weeks in the Netherlands.

The first batch, consisting of Niyandrew and Wintley, is now halfway through their program and is expected to return to Bonaire at the end of March 2025. The involvement of Judith Brekelmans (HR advisor), Marcelino Mauricio (project supervisor and coach), and Evert Jan van der Es (CEO HR Group) was crucial in the selection and guidance of the candidates.

HR-Werkt! offers the students a broad learning program in which they are introduced to all divisions of the HR Group, including HR Piping, HR Prefab, and HR Propulsion. In addition to their MBO education in maritime technology through Firda (formerly ROC Friese Poort Sneek), they follow an internal training program that is tailored to their needs.

The ‘Perspectiva Boneiru’ project is special because of the intensive guidance the young people receive during their stay in the Netherlands. A team of mental coaches, language buddies, work-study supervisors and a psychologist, partly from Bonaire and Curaçao, are ready to support Koeyman and Milton.


HR-Werkt! looks forward to further growth and development of the project, with plans to further expand its activities in the Caribbean and the Central and South American region. This marks an important next step in the success of ‘Perspectiva Boneiru’.

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