Almost 15,500 parents are entitled to the Catshuis scheme

Kralendijk, The Bottom, Saba, Oranjestad, St. Eustatius – Almost 15,500 parents who have registered with the Recovery Allowance Implementation Organization (UHT) before 15 February are entitled to the Catshuis scheme. The amount of 30,000 euros is an initial payment of compensation for parents who have been duped by the problems with the childcare allowance. They never have to repay this amount.
State Secretary Van Huffelen (Finance) wrote this to the Lower House today. “I hope for all the parents we can pay $ 30,000 that this is an important step towards redressing the injustice that has been done to them,” said the Secretary of State.
The cabinet has promised to pay the 30,000 euros to all duped parents who reported before 15 February by 1 May at the latest. A total of 25,946 parents registered with UHT before 15 February. The right to the Catshuis scheme has been established for 15,456 parents on the basis of a light test. These parents have been affected by biased treatment, harsh regulations (“all-or-nothing”) or the unfair designation of Intentional Gross Guilt.
UHT has transferred the amount of 30,000 euros before 1 May for 11,143 parents who are entitled to the Catshuis scheme. Due to an error, another part of the parents will be paid the amount on May 12th. There are also parents who have not yet been able to reach UHT by telephone. UHT calls duped parents to announce that they will be paid 30,000 euros.
UHT has carefully carried out the light test to determine whether parents are entitled to EUR 30,000. Where possible, this has been determined on the basis of data analysis. At more than 12,000 parents, the specific situation of the parent was additionally examined with a manual test. If an employee could not find a reason to pay out EUR 30,000 now, another employee would have looked at the parent’s situation again. If there was still any doubt afterwards, the parent was called. Such a telephone conversation can yield new relevant information.
UHT has now found no reason to pay out the 30,000 euros among 9,463 parents. This concerns, for example, approximately 1,800 parents who did not receive a childcare allowance, whereby half of these parents were the allowance partner and therefore not the applicant. And about 5,800 parents have received a chargeback that seems correct. For example, because the parents’ income has changed or because the number of hours of childcare allowance has changed. This is a very unpleasant consequence of the current allowance system, but no reason for compensation.
Parents who do not appear to be eligible for the Catshuis scheme will receive a letter about this. It states that UHT will still fully assess their case for the sake of due care. That will happen after May 1.
After February 15, another 10,250 parents have registered with UHT. For these parents too, UHT will take a light test to see whether 30,000 euros can be paid out. This happens within 6 months after a parent has registered.
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