
APC Bank Receives Commercial Banking License

Oswin (Oz) Eleonora is the president of the Supervisory Board of Directors of the APC bank. Photo: APC.

Willemstad – After what they call ‘an extensive preparatory process’ the new APC Bank recently obtained a commercial banking license from the Central Bank of Curaçao and Sint Maarten CBCS.

With this license, APC Bank can now focus on the necessary preparatory work to start operating in Curaçao and St. Maarten.

APC Bank was founded in April 2020 and bought the shares of PSB in May. APC Bank plans to purchase the shares of the Centrale Hypotheekbank (CHB) as well. In addition to these developments, APC Bank say they worked hard on its business and capitalization plans.  


With the license in hand, APC Bank has initiated a communication process that will keep all stakeholders informed of developments. As a kick-off of the communication process, Mr. Oswin (Oz) Eleonora, Chairman of APC Bank’s Supervisory Board of Directors, briefed PSB and CHB employees on the recent developments in a town hall meeting held on January 15.

According to APC Bank, the community is a key stakeholder in the process and will therefore also receive regular updates on the project.

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