St. Eustatius Best Read News Site on St. Eustatius

Oranjestad, St. Eustatius- The BES-Reporter is the news site which is best read on the island of St. Eustatius. This is the result of a Media Survey Recently executed by Rijksdienst Caribisch Nederland (RCN) on Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba.

On the question “What news site do you read”, a total of 84% indicated the site of The BES-Reporter. The newssite of Caribisch Netwerk and came out as number 2 and 3, respectively.

The BES-Reporter nearly doubled in the amount of readers on Saba, compared to a similar Survey in the year 2018. Where in 2018 on Saba 27% of respondents indicated that they read, this in 2020 has climbed to a total of 59%. However, on Saba news site is the most popular site, with a score of 90% of respondents indicating they read news on Saba News.

When it comes to printed newspapers, The Daily Herald is still the most popular newspaper both on St. Eustatius and Saba, read by 68% and 86% of the respondents.

On Bonaire the BES-Reporter is read by 24% of respondents. Sister site is the most well read news site on Bonaire (78% of respondents), followed by Breaking New Live99 with 36%.


The media Survey also looked at other means of communication such as Radio and TV. According to the Survey Radio Statia is the most popular radio station on the island, with 66% mention the Station as one they listen to, followed by FAB Radio with 47% and CTC Radio with 29%.

On Saba, the Voice of Saba is the most popular radio station, with 22% of residents indicating they got their news from Voice of Saba.

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