
Bonaire has the oldest tree in the Netherlands

This wayaká is said to be the oldest tree in the Netherlands.

KRALENDIJK – In the rugged and rocky terrain of Bonaire there is a special tree that is possibly the oldest in the whole of the Netherlands. An impressive wayaká, located on a difficult to access plateau, has a trunk diameter of no less than 1.20 meters. Johan van Blerk, owner of the Tera Barra foundation, is committed to preserving the local flora. A day after the tree was nominated as Dutch tree of 2024, the editors of spoke to the admirer.

“This tree is truly a phenomenon,” says the enthusiastic van Blerk. “In the literature, a wayaká with a diameter of 80 centimeters is already estimated to be a thousand years old. This one is much thicker, which means it must be at least a thousand years old. Probably even older.” The tree has an impressive history. Van Blerk explains: “About 500 years ago, this tree was cut down by colonists for its valuable wood. The stump itself was too big to transport. The tree has since recovered and sprouted again.”

What makes this tree so special is not only its age, but also its location. “It is on a rock plateau where the soil offers hardly any nutrients,” says Van Blerk. “The roots have to grow deep through the cracks in the rocks to reach groundwater. It is incredible how this tree has adapted and survived.”

The tree is now in the spotlight as one of the nominees for the title ‘Tree of the Year’. “This nomination is an opportunity to create more awareness for the unique flora of Bonaire and the importance of nature conservation,” emphasizes Van Blerk. “We hope that people will vote and this tree will get the recognition it deserves.”

Do you also want the Bonairean Wayaké to be elected tree of the year? Vote here now.

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