Bonaire Struggles with registration for Corona vaccine
Kralendijk- Bonaire is still struggeling with the registration of those 60 years and older for the vaccination against Covid-19. According to Commisioner Nina den Heyer, the call center is working hard to eliminate the backlog.
“Some things have gone well over the past week and some things less so”, said commissioner Den Heyer in a recorded statement on Friday afternoon. While about 450 Health Care professionals have in the meantime received the vaccine, the Call Centre which handles the registration quickly got flooded.
Especially during the first 2 days the special 0800-0800 number could hardly be reached by callers. Many of those who registered online did not get a confirmation of their vaccination days within the promised three days.
The number of lines for the Call Center have in the meantime been expanded and the staff is working hard to deal with the backlog in those who have signed up through
Only 60 years and older
Commisisoner Den Heyer also made an appeal to residents to abide by the division in age groups. “Right now only those of 60 years of age and older can register for the vaccination. We call on all other residents to await the turn for their age group”.
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