Charles Woodley (PLP) Candidate on Ubuntu-list for Dutch Parliament

Oranjestad, St. Eustatius- Charles Woodley is running for the Dutch Second Chamber elections, as candidate on the list of the Ubuntu Connected Front (UCF) Party.
Woodley will be running as number 7 on the UCF list. The candidacy of Woodley means that St. Eustatius will actually have 3 candidates running for Dutch Parliamentary elections, as Koos Sneek also appears on the list of the Christen Democratisch Appèl (CDA) as their number 52 candidate in what is called “Kieskring BES” and Carlos Lopes (also PLP) as number 13 on the same Ubuntu list.
Woodley says that he felt the Ubuntu party was the best choice for the island. “If I look at the various parties and their lists, there is none that I feel more connected with than Ubuntu”, said Woodley on Saturday in conversation with The BES-Reporter.
“Of course I realize that even as three BES-islands together, we do not have enough votes for a seat, but I still think it is important that as islands, we send a clear message with our vote”, according to Woodley. Woodley added that he expected ‘nothing’ of the other more established parties in The Netherlands, when it comes to the islands.
In fact there is a third Statian candidate running on the Ubuntu list, namely Kenneth Cuvelay on number 3. Cuvely however lives in Tilburg, the Netherlands.
“In all of these years we have seen no true change, when it comes to our island”. According to Woodley he can however identify with Ubuntu’s manifesto.
“Ubuntu Connected Front strives for a society based on the principles of UBUNTUISM”, according to the Pary’s website.
The party furthermore describes their philosophy was was phrased in the past by Madiba Nelson Mandela has put it: “If people are treated well and equally, if they are given equal opportunities and the space to develop and develop their talents, if they are not constantly criminalized, considered inferior, or discriminated based on their race, they will undoubtedly perform better at all levels of society. ”
Information about the party can be found on their website:
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