
Civil servants Bonaire will receive a wage increase of almost five percent

Commissioner Thielman has signed an agreement with the ABVO, who represent the employees of the Public Entity Bonaire

KRALENDIJK – Commissioner Thielman has signed an agreement with the ABVO, who represent the employees of the Public Entity Bonaire about the increase in wages as of January 1, 2023.

As of that date, all civil servants will receive a structural increase of 4.75%. Several additional agreements were reached, including the fact that civil servants will receive at least an increase of 100 per month, and that the minimum wage within the government will go to $1350 per month.

The relatively large wage increase is based on the high inflation figures. The Government of Bonaire also says it will remain committed to creating optimal working conditions for its employees.


Deputy Hennyson Thielman says that with the agreement Government wants to show they consider it important that people earn an income that keeps up with the economic developments on the island.

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