
Dive Friends Bonaire Clean Up Dive

Kralendijk – Dive Friends Bonaire will be hosting another Quarterly Clean Up Dive on Saturday, October 17th. They would like to invite you to help keep Bonaire beautiful. Due to the current situation, joining the clean-up dive will go a little different then used to. They can only accept so many divers and just like their April and August clean-up, it can only be done when you reserve a spot.

You will go out individually, with a maximum of 3 divers per team. They will spread it out over the morning and will collect the trash spread out after each dive. Dive Friends staff will count it all and they will publish the results on social media.

They start at Yellow Submarine between 9 and 12 AM (reservations only). Please return your trash directly after your dive. They can only accept a maximum number of divers to guarantee everyone’s safety.

Reserve your spot by dropping by at any dive locations, calling 780-2572 or email [email protected].

Cleaning up will be done between Yellow Submarine and Something Special. Please allow plenty of space between buddy teams above and under water.

Cost: $5 per tank or bring your own.

If you aren’t already registered with them, please bring a copy of your certification card along when you sign-in and you will need to fill out a liability form and COVID-19 waiver.

Please bring along your dive knife or shears as they expect some fishing line as well. You can contact Sea Turtle Conservation Bonaire for more information about their turtle shaped line collectors: [email protected].

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