Police and justice

Fifteen students start General Investigation Officer training Kmar

The group includes three students from St. Eustatius and one from Saba. Photo: RCN

KRALENDIJK- On Tuesday, the 2nd of April, a new class of 15 students starts the training of General Investigating Officer Dutch Caribbean. It is the first time that the training is given partly in the Netherlands and partly in the Caribbean.

The 15 students will start with an introductory bivouac on Bonaire.  Then on the 18th of April, they will go to the Koning Willem III barracks in Apeldoorn, Netherlands, for 3 months. They will then complete the training on Bonaire. If they successfully complete the training, they will receive their diploma by the end of January 2025.

In Apeldoorn, the students will be taught Basic KMar Skills and become IBT certified. Because legislation and practice in the Caribbean differ from those in the Netherlands, they follow job training on Bonaire. Here they receive the modules Border Control, Police Tasks, Guard and Security and do the Vocational Practical Training (In Dutch: Grensbewaking, Politietaken, Bewaken en Beveiligen and do the Beroeps Praktijk Vorming). 


Throughout the course, the students receive a customized program. Unlike Marechaussees in the Netherlands, these students remain civil servants after their training.

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