
First Vaccination Phase Bonaire to last 3 months

Virologist dr. Sandra Autar from the FMD hospital provided details of the upcoming vaccination program, together with Public Health official Joey van der Slobbe.

Kralendijk- The first phase of the Vaccination Phase in Bonaire will start in February of this year and will last about 3 months.

Details about the upcoming program were provided on Friday by Joey van der Slobbe of the Public Health Department and dr. Saskia Autar of the FMD hospital.

The first to receive the Covid-19 vaccine are the health care workers on the island, followed by those of 70 years and older and 60 years and older, respectively.

After the most vulnerable groups have received the vaccine, the program will focus on those between 18 and 60 years of age. Children will in principle not be vaccinated, while vaccination is not recommended for pregnant women.


The Health Care department will receive support form the Dutch Ministry of Health, when it comes to preparations to receive and distribute the vaccine.

The first vaccine to be used on Bonaire will be the one produced by Pfizer, but it is likely that at a later phase the US-developed Moderna vaccine will be used on the island as well.

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