St. Eustatius

Government Commissioners Statia: ‘Dialogue and Inclusion’

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Van Rij and Francis in front of the Government Building. Photo: Public Entity St. Eustatius.

Oranjestad, St. Eustatius- Government Commissioners Marnix van Rij and Alida Francis look back on the year 2020 with satisfaction, when looking at what was achieved in the course of the year which was also a challenging one due to the Covid-19 crisis.

The Commissioners say, in a special New Year’s message, that they have also learned valuable lessons. One of those lessons is the importance of Dialogue and Inclusion when it comes to moving the island forward.

“Although we have done well, considering the circumstances and the different crises we have been through, we have learnt some valuable lessons. One valuable lesson is that dialogue and inclusion are very powerful tools to be able to guide us all through the different crises”, according to Van Rij and Francis.


The Commissioners also say they are aware there always is room for improvement. “We can all work on doing something just a little better. When everyone does that, the results can be amazing…and our focus will be on even further improving dialogue and inclusion”.

The Commissioners say that in the new year 2021 as Public Entity they will focus on building a robust organization, developing the individual and collective skills of civil servants, improving internal processes, improving service to the Statian community, working towards the further implementation of the 12 criteria and improving strategic thinking.


“This means we should push the bounderies of ambition and possibilities of what we aspire to achieve for Statia and Statian residents. It is our duty as a public service to do this instead of settling for what is convenient, safe and easily attainable goals. Otherwise, we will not be offering Statian residents outcomes that are aspirational, bold and stretched targets”, according to Van Rij and Francis.

The Government Commissioners, on behalf of the Public Entity, extends warm wishes for a bright and prosperous 2021!

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