
Helicopter takes Covid-Vaccine to Saba

LtR: Commisioner Bruce Zagers, Tedisha Gordon, Governor Jonathan Johnson, Doctor Koen Hulshof and Dutch Representative of The Netherlands in Philipsburg, former commissioner Chris Johnson. Photo: Government of Saba

The Bottom, Saba- SABA- On Friday, Saba received 1,500 Moderna vaccines from the Netherlands. The batch arrived per Medivac helicopter from St. Maarten.

Saba requested a 100 more than the initial amount of 1,400, as many people have pre-registered and the extra vaccines are needed to ensure that the entire adult population can be vaccinated.

The vaccines arrived on Friday on the KLM flight to St. Maarten and continued their journey to St. Maarten on the Medivac Helicopter. The vaccines for St. Eustatius on the other hand were transported by a chartered plane from SXM Airways.

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